
Silent Touch Timer para iPhone

  • De pago

  • En Español
  • V 3.0.2
  • 4.5

  • Estado de Seguridad

Análisis Softonic

Temporizador de Toque Silencioso: Simplifica tu vida con un hermoso temporizador

Silent Touch Timer is a full version timer app available for iPhone. It is designed to help users streamline their lives with its beautiful and intuitive interface. The app allows users to set timers quickly and easily, making it the fastest timer app on the market.

One of the main features of Silent Touch Timer is its great usability for presentations. The timer is easily readable up to 30 feet away on the iPhone, making it ideal for keeping presenters on time. Users can place the timer behind the audience for better eye contact, or even use a giant iPad timer for even greater visibility. The app does not disturb the audience or the user with any noise or vibration, and it provides a clear indication of how far overtime has been gone.

Another great feature of Silent Touch Timer is its usefulness for performances. Whether it's music, dance, church services, comedy, or plays, this timer app can be used to ensure smooth timing. Users can count up instead of down if needed, and even use warning times while counting up. It is also a great tool for podcasters to keep themselves in sync.

In addition to presentations and performances, Silent Touch Timer is also helpful for productivity at home and the office. Users can time their work or internet breaks without disturbing their coworkers or themselves. It is especially effective for those who follow the Pomodoro Technique, as the timer can be set to 25 minutes for focused work sessions.

Silent Touch Timer is praised by users for its simplicity and effectiveness. It is described as an unobtrusive and light timer that can be used in various situations, such as studying, exercising, interviewing people, teaching students, and evaluating answer-sheets.

For more information and support, users can visit or contact the developer at

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Silent Touch Timer para iPhone

  • De pago

  • En Español
  • V 3.0.2
  • 4.5

  • Estado de Seguridad

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